
Please use the form below to send us an email. If you’ll like to talk with us about a project or story idea, or if you have a question, please fill out this simple contact form. Drop us a line below, please give me as much info about yourself as possible including as much support info as possible. We try to help everyone out if we can, and encourge you to join our Facebook group for more information.

Story Submissions & Content Creation

We accept all kinds of media, home theater, and projector-related stories. Content must be 80% original, with proper credit to images and/or original publications. To be featured as a writer, please contact us below!

Ad Sales & Media Buying

We offer a variety of ad sales and media buying opportunities! Please drop us your information below and we’ll gladly help you reach your audience of audio and visual enthusiasts around the world!

Product Promotion

We are happy to test and review all home theater products. Please note that we NEVER misrepresent any reviews and will let our readers know if a review has been paid for or an incentive has been given for any content posted on Screen And Projector.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!
