Interactive whiteboard safety tips

Written by
  • Shelagh M.
  • 7 years ago


Get the most out of your interactive whiteboard

An interactive whiteboard is an powerful instructional tool that can help any lesson come alive. These safety tips and precautions will help you get the most out of your interactive whiteboard.

Safety first


  • Don’t obstruct the cameras’ view of the interactive whiteboard’s surface or edges. Avoid magnets, stickers or adhesive tape on the interactive surface. Don’t rest any objects, including the pens  at the bottom of the interactive surface. This interferes with the corner cameras’ ability to detect your finger or pen tray tools.
  • Tell students not to look directly at the light beam from the projector as this can cause eye strain. Encourage them to keep their backs to the projector and before turning to face the class have them take a step sideways out of the projector’s beam.

Make sure that you don’t look directly into the projector’s beam. Keep your back to the class when you write over a projected image. Step to the side of the interactive whiteboard before you turn to face the class.

  • Tell students not to touch the projector because it can become extremely hot during normal operation.
  • Never let a student stand on a chair to reach the screen. If your students can’t reach the top of the interactive whiteboard, remount the wall-mounted unit at a lower position.

Preventing damage to the interactive whiteboard

whiteboard use of screenAlthough the SMART Board interactive whiteboard’s surface is very durable, take the following precautions to prevent damage to the interactive surface.

  • Avoid areas with high levels of dust, humidity or smoke.
  • Don’t use sharp or pointed objects, such as ballpoint pens or pointers, as writing tools.
  • Replace the pen nib when the nib wears out.
  • Low-odor dry-erase markers can be very difficult to erase. Use standard (high-odor) dry-erase markers but use them only in well-ventilated areas.
  • No adhesive tape on the interactive surface.
  • No abrasive erasers or harsh chemicals to clean the surface.
  • Never use compressed air to clean the interactive whiteboard’s cameras. The force of the air can damage them.

Keeping the writing surface clean

With proper care, the SMART Board interactive whiteboard will provide years of trouble-free service. Here are the best tips for keeping the interactive whiteboard working at its best:

    • Turn the interactive whiteboard off before you clean it so that you do not scramble the desktop icons or accidentally activate applications when you wipe the interactive surface.
    • To view dirt or streaks more easily, set the projector to standby (lamp off) mode.
    • Never  spray cleaner directly onto the interactive whiteboard’s surface.
    • To clean: spray a light amount of cleaner on a cloth and then gently wipe the interactive surface.
    • Clean your interactive whiteboard at least every six months.
    • Don’t allow excess cleaner to flow onto the frame’s reflective surfaces or into the pen tray slots.
    • The digital cameras located in the corners of the frame are protected from dust and dirt by windows. In extremely dusty environments, spray an alcohol-free household glass cleaner, such as Windex® cleaner, on a cotton swab and rub it gently on the windows. Don’t use compressed air to clean the cameras.

Cleaning the pen tray

interactive whiteboard cleaning pen toolIf the infrared sensors in the sides of the pen tools’ slots become obstructed by dirt, moisten a cotton swab with an alcohol-free household glass cleaner, such as Windex, and then carefully clean the infrared transmitter and receiver.

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