This guide shows how to replace Epson Powerlite 1955 projector lamp
Follow this quick-step guide to an easy installation of the Epson Powerlite 1955 projector lamp.
Find this replacement lamp on Amazon from the following authorized dealers:
Why avoid counterfeits
Here are the 5 main reasons to avoid counterfeit lamps and go with authentic OEM lamps:
- can damage sensitive optic components
- prone to explosions
- exposing you to toxic materials.
- no protection for your eyesight
- no guarantees or warranties
Protect yourself from and buy authentic projector lamps. Learn 7 Ways to spot counterfeits.
When is it time to replace
Watch for the warning signs that indicate the Epson Powerlite 1955 projector needs a new projector lamp:
- Image begins to dim or actually deteriorate. Colours appear distorted.
- “Replace the Lamp” warning message appears on screen
- Lamp light flashing orange
Installing the new Epson 1940W projector lamp
Your Epson PowerLite 1955 projector uses the Epson ELPLP75 projector lamp. Before installing the new projector lamp follow these important preparation steps:
- Turn off the projector and wait until the power lights stops flashing.
- Unplug the power cord so the projector can’t be accidentally turned of while the lamp is being replaced.
- Wait for at least one hour for the Epson PowerLite 1955 to cool down. It should be cool to the touch. These projectors operate under high heat and you can get burned very badly if the projector is still hot.
Using the the screwdriver that came with the Epson PowerLite 1955 loosen the screw holding on the projector lamp cover. Remove the lamp cover
Use the same screwdriver to loosen the screws holding the Epson ELPLP75 projector lamp in place.
Grab wire handle lamp and gently pull up the Epson ELPLP75 projector lamp. Using too much force can break the bulb. Learn how to clean up after a bulb breaks.
Put the old projector lamp aside for proper recycling. These lamps can’t be thrown into the regular garbage as they contain mercury.
Hold the lamp so it faces the correct way and insert the Epson ELPLP75 projector lamp until it clicks into place. If it doesn’t easily fit into the projector make sure it’s facing the right way. Never force the lamp into the projector.
Tighten the two screws on the new Epson ELPLP75 projector lamp. Replace the projector lamp cover and tighten the screw on the cover. You must reset the lamp timer.
Resetting the Epson PowerLite 11955 lamp timer
After replacing the Epson ELPLP75 projector lamp you’ll need to reset the lamp timer in order for the Epson PowerLite 1955 to properly track the lamp life. Only reset the lamp timer when a new projector lamp has been installed
To reset the lamp timer:
- Press the MENU button on either projector’s control panel or on the remote control to display the MAIN MENU.
- Scroll down to the RESET menu. Press ENTER.
- Scroll down to the RESET LAMP HOURS option.
- A reset dialogue box will appear asking you if you want to reset the hours. Select Yes. Press ENTER.
- The lamp hours will be reset to zero.
- Press EXIT to leave the menu settings
Tips for longer projector lamp life:
Extend the life of the newly installed Epson ELPLP75 projector lamp with the following tips:
- Keep your air filters clean to avoid overheating the projector.
- Turn off the Epson PowerLite 1955 projector and let it stand for at least one hour ever 24 hours. An average use of four to five hours per day will ensure longer lamp life.
- Make sure there is enough airflow around the projector particularly if it’s been permanently mounted.
- Learn more with Top tips for extending DLP projector lamp life.