6 common projector problems after installing a new lamp

Written by
  • Shelagh M.
  • 12 years ago

Problems after installing your new projector lamps? Here are some solutions.

Sometimes things don’t go as planned after installing a new projector lamp. Here  are the solutions to the six most common projector problems.

Problem #1: My projector won’t turn on after I’ve installed my new lamp.

Solution: Check the power cord, lamp cover and lamp connections.

Before contacting customer service, be sure to first check that the projector power cord is plugged in and properly secured. Check the back lamp cover – if it’s loose the projector won’t turn on.  If this doesn’t solve the problem, then open up the lamp cover and check the lamp connections. If the screws are too loose or too tight, the projector will not turn on.

Problem #2: My projector is getting too hot after replacing the lamp

Solution: Clean your air filters and ventilation holes.

The main reason a projector starts to heat up is because the air filters or ventilation holes are clogged with dust or other debris. DLP projectors operate at high heat and most have one or more fans that blow air around the components to cool them off. A build up of dust prevents proper air circulation and can cause the projector to become very hot and the lamp to explode. When this happens, the projector temperature controls will go off. Always clean your filters after replacing the projector lamp. Use a can of compressed air and blow filters and ventilation holes dust free.

Problem #3: The picture is fine but there is onscreen message says to replace the lamp even though it’s new!

Solution: You need to reset the lamp timer.

Your projector has a Lamp Timer or Lamp Hour Counter that automatically tracks lamp usage. It’s been designed to send you warning messages on screen and to trigger the Lamp Indicator when the projector lamp is approaching end of life. Many projectors will turn off automatically when the end of lamp hours has been reached – whether the lamp is new or not. Always reset your lamp timer after replacing the lamp. Check out our lamp replacements guides or your projector manual for instructions.

Problem #4: The picture is much dimmer.

Solution: Re-install the new bulb or replace the generic lamp previously installed.

This problem usually only happens when you have replaced only the bulb and not the entire housing. Check to make sure the bulb has been installed correctly. Purchasing a bare bulb is an economical option but you have to make sure it’s been installed properly. It should be flush with the front of the lamp housing cage and the new bulb should sit exactly in the same placement as the old bulb. If the new bulb is off center or not aligned properly your image will be dim. Removing the bulb and re-installing it more carefully should take care of a dim picture.

Problem #5: Projector turns on for a minute and then shuts off.

Solution: Recheck the lamp timer. Check the fans and filters. Replace the generic lamp.

Sometimes the lamp timers need to be reset twice. Every time you open up the projector, you need to check the lamp timer is set to zero. Projectors will turn themselves off automatically if they detect any problems. You may also need to clean out all dust from from the projector to make all components work together in harmony. If dust is not the problem, then it’s the actual lamp. Have you installed a genuine OEM projector lamp? Generic, compatible lamps don’t operate properly in most projectors causing them to out of balance. This will make the projector shut down automatically. The solution for this problem is to replace the generic lamp with a genuine OEM lamp.

Problem #6: The screen color is wrong and the picture is flickering.

Solution: Your color wheel may need to be replaced.

Faded onscreen color is one of the first indications that the lamp is reaching end of life. If you have installed an OEM lamp without any issues then the problem may be the color wheel. If your lamp has exploded or melted inside the projector, there is a very good chance the color wheel was damaged. Also installing generic lamps can damage the sophisticated and sensitive components such as the color wheel and DLP chip. The only solution for this problem is to contact a service rep and replace the color wheel.

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