Mitsubishi white death can be solved for under $300

Written by
  • Shelagh M.
  • 13 years ago

How the Mitsubishi DMD DLP chip works

White dots on your screen? Here’s how to solve them.

You’ve settled  down to watch TV when you notice white star-like clusters on the screen. It’s not dust and it’s not a problem with the brightness.  It’s the Mitsubishi white death caused by a worn out DMD chip.
Find this New Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W on Amazon.

Mitsubishi DLP TVs have been plagued with the problems for several years now. Various forums talk about customers being given quotes of $600 and upwards for solving the white spot syndrome or replacing the DMD DLP chip . Fortunately, there are companies offering the offering the DLP chip for under $300.

Causes of white death

No matter what the brand, at the heart of any DLP TV the DMD chip invented in 1987 by Dr. Larry Hornbeck of Texas Instruments. This optical semiconductor contains an array of up to 2 million hinge-mounted microscopic mirrors, so small they measure one-fifth the width of a human hair.

White death: why??

As it receives the signal, the small mirrors rotate, either tilting away from the light or towards it to produce those stunning images that have made these TVs a frontrunner for the consumer.  Since they are mounted on a yoke with an axle that literally twists in the middle, these micro mirrors get stuck and can no longer reflect the signal. The result is a white or black dot on the screen. As more and more mirrors become stuck, more white dots appear on screen creating an image that can’t be viewed.
MItsusbishi DMD DLP chip

The affordable solution

In order to address the issue, Texas Instrument has created a replacement DMD DLP chip that is affordable and readily available from recognized distributors. While part numbers may vary, the chip remains the same. The following part numbers are interchangeable:
Mitsubishi DMD Chip 276P595010
Board Number DMD Panel IC# 1910-6143W
Board Number DMD Panel IC# 1910-6145W
Board Number DMD Panel IC# 1910-6103W
Samsung DMD Chip 4719-001997
Samsung DMD Chip 4719-001985
Samsung DMD Chip 4719-001999
Samsung DMD Chip W1272-5003
Avoid an expensive repair bill and let your service center know about the DMD DLP chip for under $300.
Find this New Mitsubishi/Toshiba 4719-001997 DLP Chip 1910-6143W on Amazon.



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